Dear Simon,
You could be here any minute. Like now!
Or now!
Or now!
Pretty crazy, huh? You have basically no room in there, and you remind me of that all the time with your frantic squirms. Sorry about that. But you're not the only one who's getting uncomfortable! I feel a little like a ninety-year-old elephant. I stomp around with one hand on my back, and my pelvis feels like a basket of broken twigs. I think you're going to be a pretty big guy. Feel free to come anytime after January 3rd. That's when your Memere arrives to help. ANYTIME after that. Like on the 4th, or the 5th... Or the 6th. Or the 7th. Etc.
Christmas is just three days away! And though you won't be able to open them yourself, there are some pretty exciting-looking presents under the tree with your name on them! Maddie has been circling the tree like a little shark, saying "presents!" and trying to grab some of the ribbons and bows through the bars of the gate we put up around the tree. She's having a little bit of trouble understanding that some things belong to you, now. For instance, I bought you a stuffed Winnie the Pooh when I first found out that I was pregnant with you. Maddie spotted him the other day and had a VERY hard time understanding that he wasn't hers. Ditto the very cute blue elephant your daddy bought for you. I think the idea of a baby brother is still abstract to Maddie right now (though she does yell at my belly: "Come out, Simon! Simon, come out!"), but once you are here, she'll understand much better. I know she is just going to be over-the-moon about you, and I think you'll feel the same way about her!
I'm sorry I haven't written in a little bit! I'm trying very hard to get our home ready for you, and to finish revisions on a manuscript before you arrive. And, of course, there were Christmas cards and gift wrapping and trips to the post office and Christmas shopping... It's been quite the month! January will also be quite the month - that's when you'll be born!
Your Mama